Tips for self-care in uncertainty


There are so many reasons to stand together and speak out in our world as it is. Now and before, it is at times of conflict when we need self-care the most. 

Connect in community

Is it the arts, fitness classes, hiking, biking, books or crafts that support your wellness? Find those groups where you can bond over common interests. There are no end to Meetup groups, gym classes, weekly group rides, local art classes and more where you can find your community.  

Easier said than done right? Connecting with people can be as simple as finding Facebook groups along your topics of interest. I have found so much support in blogger groups, within the yoga community and maybe groups formed around cuddly creatures. Even a cathartic beer with friends can be enough. Frankly, we just need to find more reasons to be together.

Find a place that grounds you

In yoga, we talk a lot about what it means to be grounded and stay grounded. In balance poses, it means to stand firmly in the parts of your body that are holding your weight (hands and feet, mostly). It is soothing to our nervous system when we feel supported. To be grounded is to feel that stable right where you are.

What are those places that make you feel stable and supported? It could be the library, a state park, a yoga studio, the floor of your home. When you're feeling out of sorts, make time for a breath practice in this place.

Make a ritual of the ordinary

Daily habits add meaningfulness to the most routine of days. Most of the time, the first thing I do when I get up is set the tea kettle on the range, grind coffee beans and get Chemex set up for brewing (in that order). I allow myself those moments to be present in the kitchen as I get ready for my day. Sipping the first steaming cup is more than just the caffeine that it imparts; it is the connection I feel to this day among the months and years that I live. The ritual is a thread weaved with intention into the fabric of the everyday. 

What separates this ritual from routine is that for these moments, I am present. Find the time in your days where there is nothing else to do but to be exactly in the moment. It does not have to be a complex or long task.


A New Year's Ritual


I don't always live in the ujjayi breath and here's why