Honor the Energy of the Aces: Build an Elements Altar

The aces, when they turn up in tarot reading or even in a playing card deck, represent the beginning — the very small and powerful seed of an idea. Each ace has its own flavor, but the message is the same. You've got a decision to make. Is this really what you want to pursue?

To see it through, it needs your care. The idea you've got is the spark, and it must be tended to in order to become a bonfire.

When you find yourself at the beginning of a cycle, whether at the start of a month, a season or a year, honor the energy of the aces by building an elements altar. It’s small enough to go anywhere in the home, or it could even be a part of your larger altar.

Take any deck of cards you have on hand — whether playing cards or a tarot deck — and pull out all the aces. Grab four small glasses/containers, one for each element in the deck. Fill each with an element —salt or dirt for earth (pentacles/diamonds), water (cups/hearts), matchstick for fire (wands/clubs) and feather or the air itself (swords/spades). You could also take all elements and combine them into one vessel. Place the aces in front of the elements.

Consecrate this altar by lighting a jar-safe candle with the match (place it back in the glass) and a few minutes of intentional breathwork (breathe in for 5 and out for 5, or your favorite breath practice). Draw into mind what you’d like to build this year. Write it on a scrap of paper, and if available, light it on fire with the candle, and set it in a fire-safe dish until it is ash.

Close your practice by extinguishing the candle and leaving your altar up. Leave it in place for a week, or until it feels like you’ve begun on your next project/path/goal.

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