Pisces Flow: The Tethered Fish

Pisces is paradox, allowing multiple truths to exist at once. It’s the wateriest of water—mutable in nature. Two fish are swimming in opposite directions around each other, tethered by a cord.

It’s water without a container, ready to spill and seep through the cracks of anything it makes contact with. Like a sponge, you may have found yourself picking up the emotions and concerns of your beloved and others.

And this season has been extra Pisces. As we shifted into Pisces season in mid-February, it was paired with a Pisces new moon. Just this past week, Saturn made its transit from Aquarius to Pisces, where it will live for the next few years. You may feel the beginning of a big shift in your priorities and boundaries. For a clue as to where that might happen for you, find out what house Pisces is in for your birth chart, and what are the subjects it rules.


Flow to Garudasana

This sequence is a longer one,as (for me) the energy of Pisces is about pouring yourself from one shape, into the next, remaining clear and receptive. Pisces is formless water, the tangle of the legs swimming like fish in opposing directions. It’s more of the flow and what you do with the space between shapes.

High Lunge to Pyramid

Start in HIGH LUNGE, and stay for a moment. Bring the body in line from hands to heel.

Lift the knee high in toward the chest, carefully. When you feel steady, extend the foot out, so long as you can keep the torso vertical for UTTHITA HASTA PADANGUSTASANA.

Step it back and pause to realign your HIGH LUNGE. Add a twist, arms open or palms at heart for TWISTED LUNGE. Step in the back leg, and support the hands with blocks in PARSVOTTANASANA.

Draw the knees together on each exhale, five rounds for VIRABHADRASANA 3 KNEE TAPS.

From SHIVA SQUAT, land the back shin behind the front foot and take another twist.

Stand tall and pause for VRKSASANA. Bend the standing knee and cross the legs together. Wind the arms together, grabbing for opposite shoulders or bringing forearms to touch for GARUDASANA.


Journey through the Arcana: a yoga & tarot series


Aquarius Flow: The Water Bearer