Aquarius Flow: The Water Bearer

I think of Aquarius as such a multidimensional astrological sign. I mean, they all are, but this one is really multi-elemental. Aquarius, an air sign, implies water in its name, which is contained by an earthenware jug, and held with the fire of one’s body—in the heat of muscle and bone.

The tarot card representing the Aquarius sign is The Star. The relationship between the two is very visible, the central figure on The Star card holds two jugs, one pouring on the earth, and the other back into the body of water. Each figure, Aquarius and The Star, bears the weight of water to offer reflection and renewal. In that way, Aquarius lends its insightful perspective to this season, daring you to dive in.

Inverted Compass Warmup

The pose (or at least one ofthem) that I think embodies Aquarius energy is Inverted Compass—also called Super Soldier. The upward facing leg is like the water vessel, balanced by the torso and a secure bind with the foot. This warmup can be dropped into a larger practice that builds heat and touches on the shoulders as well.

Lunge Sequence

ANJANEYASANA (LOW LUNGE): Start in low lunge on the right, and press the top of the left foot into the mat.

ANJANEYASANA (SIDE BEND LUNGE): Bring right hand to side waist, and arc the body to the right.

ARDHA HANUMANASANA (RUNNER’S STRETCH): Move into runner’s stretch to open the back of the leg.

ANJANEYASANA (LUNGE WITH BIND): Come back in to low lunge this time with a cross bind. Reach the right hand back to catch the foot.

Lizard Sequence

UTTHAN PRISTHASANA (LIZARD): Take the front food out wide. Bring hands to blocks or mat inside the foot.

ARDHA HANUMANASANA (WIDE RUNNER’S STRETCH): Move back into a wider runner’s stretch, hands inside front foot.

UTTHAN PRISTHASANA (LIZARD): Shift into a lower lizard. See about wrapping the front hand under the leg and outside the front foot.

UTTHAN PRISTHASANA (LIZARD):Lift the hands to blocks and reach for the back foot with a cross bind.


Pisces Flow: The Tethered Fish


The Two-card Tarot Spread